80s Fashion
80s fashions introduced hip hop culture, evolved punk fashions and the yuppie movement. On these 80s fashion pages you'll see pictures and descriptions of 80s clothing and hair styles. Many of the 80s fashions sprung from American & the UK subcultures that have had a great influence cultures around the world.
80s Hip Hop Fashion:
Adidas jump suits and shoes, multifingered rings, thick gold chains,
kangol, jheri curls. Hip Hop music, fashion and culture was called a
fad throughout the eighties and part of the nineties. In the 80s Hip Hop
was the loudest expression of african American subculture.
80s Punk Fashion:
Multicolored mohawks, bleached hair, short spiky hair, torn leather with chains, eye liner, spike collars, spike wrist bands. Punk is about rebelling against any and all social structures. The less real reasons for the rebellion the more "punk" it is. This extreeme counter culturism inspired shocking almost perverse 80s hair styles and trends: close-pin piercings, shredded clothing, ect. 80s punk fashion is like nothing else.
80s Rock:
Huge hair, platinum blonde hair, glitter, lots of make-up, sexual abiguity, tight jeans (bulging crotch). Male 80s "hair bands" were all very feminine looking and driven to do nothing but get wasted and have sex. Hair bands drew as many women fans as male despite their teased hair, lipstick and womanizing.
80s Yuppie:
Ladies wore spike banges heavy cheek make-up, both men and women wore shoulder padded business jackets. Sweater vests were popular as were sweaters tied loosely around the neck over button down shirts. Yuppie men were clean shaven, prim and egotistical snobs drunk on dreams of high society and elitism.
These fashionable trends have evolved but have much of the same spirit was couter-culture, decadence, rebelion and/or ego worship that they began with.
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